سومین کنگره ستون فقرات انجمن جراحان مغز واعصاب ایران

سومین کنگره ستون فقرات انجمن جراحان مغز واعصاب ایران

·Abstracts are accepted only in English.
·Abstracts must adequately describe the research performed to allow reviewers to evaluate the quality, originality and thoroughness of the work.
·Abstract must be structured, containing 4 sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Case reports must also have the same 4 sections.
·Title should define the topic and contain no abbreviations. In the body of abstract, abbreviations should be defined on first use.
·Maximum word count per abstract is 300, excluding title, authors, and affiliations.
·You can send your original abstract file (file type allowed: doc, docx& maximum size: 1MB)
·The first author is corresponding author, there are 4 more author fields.
·Send your abstract to info@aicnss.com
