دومين كنفرانس بين المللي حسابداري اقتصاد و مديريت مالي در تاريخ 18 خرداد ماه سال 1395 توسط شركت دانش محور ارتاخه برگزار مي گردد .
Topics of interest for submission include,but are not limited to:
- Accounting, Auditing and Performance
- Accounting and Financial Reporting
- Global Business
- Marketing Management Issues
- Economic Growth and Development
- Financial markets
- investment theories
- banking
- Economic Theory and Policy Issues
- Behavioural and health economics
- Business Informatics
- Financial Risk Management and Analysis
- Financial modelling
- Financial Applications of Decision Theory or Game Theory
- Financial Applications of Simulation or Numerical Methods
- Network accounting
- Tourism Management
- Islamic finance
- Management