The Second National Interdisciplinary Conference on Current Issues of English Language Teaching and Learning, Literature, Translation and Linguistics is organized by Pazoheshgaran Andishmand Institute in association with Shahid Chemran University of Ahvaz and other universities.
The conference will be dedicated to current trends and developments in English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics studies.
Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics in either English or Persian. Such an approach suggests that a linguistic study is no longer limited within a certain field;knowledge from different fields cultivates diversity in linguistic study. Recognizing this trend, the conference organizing committee aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars from various fields to exchange ideas on issues related to the empowerment of English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics.
During the conference, some featured workshops related to current issues of English language, linguistics and research will be held.
دومين كنفرانس ملي ميان رشته اي بررسي مسائل جاري آموزش و يادگيري، ادبيات و مترجمي زبان انگليسي و زبان شناسي توسط مؤسسه پژوهشگران انديشمند با همكاري دانشگاه شهيد چمران اهواز و ديگر دانشگاه ها برگزار مي شود.
كنفرانس با هدف بررسي مسائل جاري آموزش و يادگيري، ادبيات و مترجمي زبان انگليسي و زبان شناسي برگزار خواهد شد.
از تمامي پژوهشگران، دانشگاهيان و دانشجويان دعوت مي گردد تا پژوهش هاي خود را در زمينه مسائل جاري آموزش و يادگيري، ادبيات و مترجمي زبان انگليسي و زبان شناسي به يكي از زبان هاي فارسي يا انگليسي ارائه نمايند. در حقيقت كنفرانس فرصت مناسبي براي به اشتراك گذشتن يافته هاي علمي متخصصين در زمينه هاي مختلف مي باشد.
Call for Papers, Registration and Submission of Abstracts( For Presentation in English)
Presentation Strands
Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics in either English or Persian. Such an approach suggests that a linguistic study is no longer limited within a certain field;knowledge from different fields cultivates diversity in linguistic study.Recognizing this trend, the conference organizing committee aims to provide a platform for researchers and scholars from various fields to exchange ideas on issues related to the empowerment of English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics.
In this way, the conference will be an opportunity for national and international academics and university lecturers to share their latest research findings and to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field. Researchers and scholars from around the world are invited to submit their papers to be evaluated for inclusion in the conference program. The papers can cover a range of topics in English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics. The abstracts will be evaluated by International Scientific Committee Members based on their originality, novelty, rigor and relevance to the conference theme. The accepted papers will be scheduled for oral or poster presentations.
Conference Themes
Papers can be submitted on any issue related to English language teaching and learning, literature, translation and linguistics.