اولین همایش ملی افق های پدیدار در آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی

اولین همایش ملی افق های پدیدار در آموزش زبان و ادبیات انگلیسی


Applied Linguistics:
- Recent approaches to ELT
- Teaching language skills
- Language acquisition and learning
- New challenges in ELT
- Teaching English to young learners
- Syllabus design and materials development
- Language teacher education
- Language testing and assessment
- Language,power and ideology
- Discourse analysis and ELT
- Multimedia and Web-based CALL /CALT
- English for specific purposes (ESP)
- Recent and future orientations in ELT
- Innovation in language teaching
- Translation studies
- Quantitative and qualitative research methods in applied linguistics

- Literary criticism
- Contemporary literature
- Poetry and prose
- Medieval and Renaissance literature
- Literature and other arts
- Literature and history
- World languages & literature
