هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی

هفتمین سمپوزیوم بین المللی پیشرفتهای علوم و تکنولوژی

هفتمين كنفرانس بين المللي پيشرفتهاي علوم و تكنولوژي


 Civil Engineering & Geoinformation Technology
- Disaster Management,Environmental Engineering and Remote Sensing
- Construction Materials,Technology and Management
- Soil,Foundation and Geotechnical Engineering
- Water Resources Engineering and Management
- GIS and Transportation Engineering
- Earthquake,Construction Materials,Reinforcement
- Hydraulic Engineering and Turbulence Modeling
- GIS and Remote Sensing Technology
Electrical,Communication Engineering (ECE
- Digital and Microprocessor/Controller Systems
- Applied Electronics
- Applied Electronics/Electronics in Medicine
- Nanotechnology and MEMS – Materials and Devices and Solid State Devices
- Systems,Controls and Automated Manufacturing
- Optical Devices and Systems
Computer Engineering & Computer Science (CECS)
- Computer Modeling
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
- Image Processing
- Information Technology
- Linguistics
- Computer Software and Application

Architecture and Urban
- Sustainable development
- Building Construction/Sustainable Architecture
- Urban Design -Geography -Identity and Regional Planning
- Urban Management/Urban Sociology

Marine Science and Technology
-Marine Biology
-Ocean Technology
-Coastal Waters
